
Sunday, December 13, 2009

'Tis the Season

For Gingerbread houses!  Well, gingerbread trains, really...  I love doing things that get us in the Christmas spirit.

Getting it all prepped:

Putting it together.  Looks like Larson is sneaking a bite already!

We are serious about decorating around here!

The finished product.  Yum!  It didn't look like this for long!

Jane & Anders helped by looking out the window & being such happy babies!


Allecia said...

Seriously impressive! I was just explaining gingerbread houses to Kaden and said, "When you get bigger, maybe daddy can help us make one." Not on my list of things I'm ready to tackle.

Lesley said...

Awhh, I love that last picture! And yum, I want one of those icing packets. :)