The kids LOVED Christmas this made it so much fun for us.
Larson has been asked a few times what his favorite gift was and without fail he has answered "Spiderman toothpaste", or "Spiderman mints". Easy to please, that kid!
We also spent time doing what it seems every other American family did this Christmas...playing the Wii.
We did have a brief bit of drama in our Christmas when on Christmas Eve, I wound up in the emergency room. Thankfully, the baby is fine, and I am fine, so after a brief stay I was sent home with strict resting orders. Our families were WONDERFUL as they basically babysat me & the children for a week!
Erik & Yuriko have even come over just to read bedtime stories to the kids! We are going to miss them when they leave!
Tech played Old Miss in the CottonBowl on the 2nd. Ryan, Preston, and Natalie all graduated from Tech, and Elizabeth goes to Old Miss, where Glenn also went back in the day! So, the game was a bit of a family affair.
We even got the Larson and the Files clans all together a few times!
Yes, I have pictures.
No, I will not post them.
It is always so fun to shop sales after Christmas, especially when the sales are better than we expected! We pretty much stayed in control of ourselves, unless you consider Lesley laying down a mannequin to take off the item of clothing that she needed 'out of control'. It was worth it...she got a great deal!
Hope you all have had a great start to 2009!
Oh yes, definitely out of control. It felt so wrong leaving the mannequin naked but I mean, it looking back it was the right thing to do. I miss all of you guys!!
I am picturing the scooter and hearing guys are serious shoppers!!
Yes. That was out of control. But would we expect anything else from Lesley, Shopper Extrordinaire? I think not?
MMmmmm....E & Y Introduced me to bubble tea a couple years back. Small town SK doesn't have a lot of bubble tea to offer....which likely a good thing for my pocket book. AND I beg for pictures of the scooter! ha ha ha....a better story would be you in the scooter undressing a manequin but it is still pretty "out of control" for anyone to do it. Glad to hear you are well.
Haha about the shopping...your girls were out of control!
It looks like you had a great Christmas!!! We love our Wii husband bought me the Guitar Hero World Tour for it this Christmas!
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